Thursday, July 31, 2008

Order of Canada

To Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean,

I have recently read in the news media that you have given the Order of Canada to Henry Morgentaler. This is unacceptable. I beg you to reconsider this award on behalf of all life loving Canadians. As Canadians we proclaim to support minorities and those who are on the margins of society. Who are more helpless than the unborn. The pro-choice movement fails to understand that the choice happens at the time a man and women join together. Even in unwanted pregnancies there are blessings to come, such is the case of my father. No life is worthless and Morgentaler should be called to answer for the many lives he has taken and made to answer for this. This award is for honourable Canadians, not someone as despicable as this man.

Your servant.

Rev.Mr. Stephen Bourque

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